I know being extremely bored is probably not a very admirable reason for starting up a blog. I wish I could say it was a passion for writing or at the very least a strong like for the subject of my blog. To be honest, I don't have a subject I have enough feeling for to write exclusively about it, perhaps with exception to my life mission to save the declining slow loris (they're just so CUTE) population of Vietnam - but that won't see any action for at least ten years.

Maybe if this is still chugging along in ten years time I will be able to write solely about the lorrises but until then, unfortunately, I believe it will just be the slow and infrequent ramblings of a teenage boy who's not ashamed to say that he has more than one Lindsay Lohan song on his iPod. I also believe my brother will be the only person reading this - if anyone.
So that was my first post. It looks short. I don't know if it shows up short, but I promise to use this post as a lesson. And next time I will write about something interesting like tea. Or stationary. Or both if you're lucky, Tim.