Wednesday, February 18, 2009

My Exciting Life

I'm about to move for the first time ever (in 2 days) and so I drew myself up a big list of things that I need. At the very top was a pair of slippers. I've never owned a pair of slippers but as Ronald McDonald would say, "everytime['s] a good time [to buy slippers]". And my slipper-purchasing experience didn't disappoint. In fact it didn't disappoint so much that I felt compelled to write about the pair that I bought because they are seriously a maze of ing.

They're called Memory Foam Slippers and as far as I know they were only seen on TV until they weren't. And that's when I saw them in a shop. The infomercials insisted that wearing them was like walking on clouds... I'd say pillows was more accurate. Or if you wanted to get specific: memory foam. This is supposedly space age stuff, and just knowing that makes you feel like you're destined to become an astronaut. Or perhaps that's just me.

Can someone please tell me why Emile Hirsch is so awesome?


  1. Share with us yet more tales of Alan-ness, Alan

  2. Emile Hirsch is pretty awesome.
    And your memory foam slippers only lose to my bootie-slippers from Katmandu in that I don't like wearing slippers, so mine are perfect cos they just feel like big, loose socks.

    How's stuff?
